Anything (be it products, services, brands, campaigns, social causes, contests) that is marketed i.e. sold, or promoted for awareness, action, purchase or publicity, using social media platforms is Social Media Marketing.
This can be done by multiple ways like posting content i.e. photos, videos, graphics, comments, gifs etc. on social media platforms. Some advantages of marketing on social media is; its free, it has huge customer base potential, it’s a personalized touch point of users and it offers you free branding for your business.
Things to do before starting out on social media marketing:
Set Business Goals: Your social media marketing strategy should serve business goals.
Set Marketing Objectives: Define and execute marketing strategies that can serve set goals. It can be generating leads, driving sales or establishing brand identity.
Create Measurable Goals: Make your objectives specific, measurable, achievable and time-bound.
Research Competition: Research your competition as it keeps you apprised of their marketing strategies.
Effective Content Strategy: Create an engaging content strategy that boosts your social channels. Choose channels wisely: Choose the best social channels by using information about your customer base. And the channel with best conversion rates
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